Tips for Holiday RV Entertaining

by | Nov 18, 2019 | Tips & Tricks

The holiday season is upon us – which means so is an entertaining season. Between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, there is no shortage of reasons to throw a get together for family and friends. You may think that just because you live in an RV, you’re excluded from the joy of holiday hosting. But that certainly isn’t the case – although an RV party may look slightly different than a soiree at a sticks-and-bricks home, you can still enjoy that warm, fuzzy feeling of gathering all of your favorite people to celebrate the holidays. Here are our best tips for holiday RV entertaining.

Keep It Simple


The most important thing to remember is not to overcomplicate it. If you’re well-versed in the campground life, you’ve likely already had people over to your rig for a casual weeknight dinner or a small birthday get together. Just because it’s prime party season doesn’t mean you have to do anything differently! Keep the guest list simple and plan an easy menu.

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to prepare so you can spend the party with your guests rather than working on the food. That’s good advice for any party, but especially when you’re hosting within the confines of an RV. There won’t be a lot of space to work once the guests arrive, so get everything done ahead of time. Your guests will thank you for the extra space, and you will have a much better time at your own party if you’re actually able to enjoy it.

Serve Finger Foods


At any party, you want to keep conversation flowing. Often, encouraging movement around the party is the best way to do this, and serving finger foods with small plates that people will want to get up and go back for is a great way to organically foster movement. As people circulate, so will conversations. Plus, finger foods eliminate the need for people to be sitting down at a table to enjoy the refreshments. They can eat these while milling about, having a conversation while lounging on the RV bed, or sitting in the middle of the action in the living room. Pigs in a blanket, chip dip made in a crockpot, and a sandwich platter you can pick up at the store are crowd pleasers and easy party foods to serve and prepare.

Rearrange the Furniture


If your rig has flexibility with its furniture, it could be a good idea to move things around to create more space. Less tables and chairs is actually a good thing for an RV party as it gives your guests the ability to move around and jump in on different conversations. And if you’re serving finger food, you won’t really need tables. Even something as simple as swiveling the cockpit chairs around to face the living area if you have that capability can create a more inclusive space.

Keep Decorations Minimal


It’s always fun to transform a space with some holiday decor. But RVers know that minimalism and life on the road go hand in hand, and the same applies for holiday parties. Not only is there very little space for holiday decor, you likely won’t have room to store it when the holiday season ends! Any investment you make in decorations could end up in the trash once you settle into the new year. A string of lights inside the RV is a quick and affordable option for sprucing up a space for holiday hosting.

If you’re insistent on being more festive, why not decorate outside the RV? Once your guests arrive, they’ll hardly notice what’s on the walls – they’re interested in the company (and likely the food, too). After all, hospitality and a cozy atmosphere are the best things you can offer to get your guests in the holiday spirit.

Utilize the Outdoor Space


This is likely the most important thing you can do to have a successful RV bash. If you are able to set up chairs or tables outside of the RV, you can take your party to the next level by giving your guests much more space to enjoy themselves. You might even want to expand your guest list! Of course, if you’re going the outdoor route, you’ll have to be conscious of the climate you’re party hosting in.

If you’re RVing down south for the holidays, then taking your party outside is a no-brainer. If you’re on the hunt for a white Christmas on the road, you might not want to subject your guests to bundle up in order to enjoy your party. In any case, check the weather ahead of time. If you’re good to go, throw out some blankets, set up some lawn chairs, or even borrow a folding tent canopy. A bonfire is also a great addition to any outdoor party, and you can even hang some twinkle lights to add to the atmosphere.

Add a Co-Host


Who says you have to party host alone? The unique thing about entertaining in an RV is that it’s extremely easy to throw a party that spans multiple rigs. Just park your vehicles with the doors facing each other, set up an outdoor entertainment space, and have each host serve up their favorite foods and drinks in their own vehicle. Guests can meander from rig to rig as well as spend time outside for a truly communal party experience. With a set up like this, you can feel free to extend an open invitation to all of your friends at the campground and make it “open house” style where guests can stop by for a bit without staying the whole night. The more hosts, the merrier!

Tips for Holiday RV Entertaining


If you follow these tips for your holiday hosting on the road, your party will be the talk of the campground! Life on the road away from family and friends back home can be hard during the holiday season, but hosting a get together is the perfect way to add some cheer into your holiday season.

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